Student News

Click on the link below to learn the "Demo Story" about one of our students:
Demo Spotlight: Byron from Thomas Jefferson on Vimeo.
As the event progressed, the 175 participants were divided into 10 groups, where they sought to identify core values and beliefs that are essential to L.A. Unified. Like the earlier session with the high school kids, participants shared their personal stories and the work being done to overcome challenges at their schools.
King said the goals outlined during the breakout sessions reflected those she has heard during previous “Listen and Learn” events: support for students; restorative justice programs; respect for all; broader course offerings; adequate and equitable resources; and greater autonomy.
Over spring break two Jefferson Students, Jupriese and Dupriese Montgomery, visited the White House and other historical monuments in Washington DC to learn about the importance of civic engagement and volunteerism. The trip was part of the City of Los Angeles Human Relations Youth Ambassador Program. 14 students were selected to be part of the program in which over 200 students applied from over 40 schools throughout Los Angeles. The City HRC Youth Ambassador Leadership Program mission is to provide the City of Los Angeles youth with an introductory in public policy and civic engagement. The YA Program is in its 5th year, it’s a citywide nonpartisan effort, it is one of the more engaging and comprehensive youth engagement programs for youth. It galvanizes the support of the Mayor, City Council, City Departments, Congress, the White House and the private sectors to create an initiative that brings positive life changing experiences to youth populations.
Our students were able to attend the Washington DC trip because of the wonderful sponsorship/donation of $5000. that Councilman Curren Price office provided. His Filed Deputy, Mike Castillo works closely with Jefferson High School on numerous functions and events.
PCI Los Angeles Youth Ambassadors
"My aspiration in life is to attend a four year university and become a book editor. I work extremely hard to obtain my goals, and apply 100% of my energy into everything I do. My ultimate goal for joining Project Bridge is to inspire my community to look beyond their small world. My community consists strictly of African Americans and Hispanics. There is no diversity, thus I only know about these two cultures. I feel as though this limits my world view and can potentially harm me as I move on into my life. Through Project Bridge, I hope to discover different cultures and traditions, break barriers and try to stop the animosity the people of my community feel towards others, and prove to them that the world is not against us because of the color of our skin. I hope Project Bridge will give me the skills necessary to become a true community leader, and make a change in my community." -Brenda Apreza