WASC Goals
2013 WASC Focus Areas
1. TJHS instructional and administrative staff will continue to develop on going data analysis practices with use of systematic summative and formative assessments, to evaluate and revise as needed the instructional techniques and practices, ensuring the engagement of all students in higher level/critical thinking activities and rigorous academic achievement for all students on school, district and state base performance measures.
2. TJHS staff and support personnel will provide the most rigorous course of study with effective instructional practices and timely academic interventions and/or support services for all students to increase the number of students achieving academic proficiency, to continue increasing the number of students completing the graduation requirements and to increase the number of students meeting UC/CSU a-g admission requirements.
3. TJHS staff and administration will continue to collaborate in order to develop, implement and revise, as needed, the curriculum related to the Common Core Standards including instruction and assessment related components to ensure the achievement of all students.
WASC Mid-Cycle Report
Click here to view the report from the April 2017 Mid-Cycle visit.