Parents » Copy of Demo Parent News

Copy of Demo Parent News

Parent Institute for Quality Education

SSC & ELAC Meeting Schedule
2021-22 Schedule
Parent Compact/Acuerdo entre escuela y padres
ELAC and SSC Info
Jobs for Students
Jobs for Students

What is GEAR UP?

GEAR UP, which stands for Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs is one of the largest and most effective national grant programs focused on increasing college and career readiness. As part of the L.A Unified School District, GEAR UP begins with students in middle school and supports them through their first year of college. We hope to create a lasting impact on students and their communities.


Our Goal is to increase the number of students and families who turn their dreams into diplomas! We do this by increasing:

  • college expectations and readiness
  • the percentage of students graduating high school
  • enrollment in college
  • awareness of college financing